
tak cukup glamour

dh hampir 3 kali aku tersempak ngn ex headgurl aku mase kt skolah dulu..senior la..tp x tegur2..aku x suke risiko pertanyaan dlm keadaan nk menjaga hati dan ragu2 "name ape ek..."
walaupun rasenye aku dh cukup glamour time skolah dulu utk dikenali(to my jenan friends,jgn muntah laks..hahahahhaa), tp still xnk take the risk, nnt x best..hehe..rasenye die keje around tmpat aku keje kot, most probably cimb islamic..hm,xpela, x effect pape pn..tp die pernah rampas walkman aku mase form 3 kot..huahua..ttbe tingat kt EREC..msti ramai marah aku gune short form ni..huhu..saje je nk reecall blk..sb die pn penah amek walkman aku..walkman aku suke berjalan2 dulu..huhu..okie la,time to work! =)



for the first time, working stuff masuk dlm mimpi aku..bgn2 trus tingat ape yg blum settle..that is totally NOT a good news~


hye..dh lame aku x menulis kan..
life been a little bit hard in happiness..
but no worries,i'm just fine,happy and still smiling..
susah nk describe tu..
i always pray for the best..
only Allah knows the best..
i believe in U...